Many students are looking for tips to make nursing school easier, as it is a formidable endeavor, characterized by its demanding curriculum and the high expectations placed on students. Success in this environment requires more than just intellectual capability; it demands resilience, adaptability, and a strategic approach to learning and time management. Fortunately, certain strategies can significantly alleviate the stress and complexity of nursing school, making the journey not only manageable but also more rewarding.


Stay Organized

Organizational skills are the bedrock of nursing school success. The volume of information, tight schedules, and deadlines can overwhelm even the most diligent student. Effective organization strategies, such as using digital calendars, planners, and to-do lists, can help students keep track of assignments, exams, and clinical rotations. Prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance ensures that nothing falls through the cracks. An organized approach enables students to allocate time efficiently, reducing stress and enhancing productivity.

Mastering the NCLEX from Day One

The NCLEX exam is a significant milestone for every nursing student, acting as the gateway to licensure and professional practice. Starting preparation early is crucial. Integrating NCLEX review materials into daily study from the outset can build a strong foundation and familiarize students with the exam’s format and question styles. Programs like the Louise Herrington School of Nursing Online at Baylor University stand out by incorporating NCLEX tips into their curriculum, offering a Distance ABSN program designed to bolster students’ confidence and competence for the exam.


Develop a Solid Study Routine

A well-structured study routine is vital for mastering the vast amount of material covered in nursing school. Tailoring this routine to fit personal learning styles — whether visual, auditory, or kinesthetic — can enhance comprehension and retention. Consistency is key; dedicating specific times each day to study helps in forming a habit that can significantly improve academic performance. Balancing individual study with group sessions can also offer varied perspectives and foster a deeper understanding of complex concepts.


Utilize Resources Wisely

Nursing students have access to a wealth of resources, from comprehensive textbooks and online databases to simulation labs and clinical experiences. Making the most of these resources involves exploring beyond the required reading list, engaging with interactive tools, and seeking additional learning materials as needed. Online forums and study apps can also offer valuable insights and support. Proactively identifying resources that resonate with one’s learning preferences can make studying more effective and engaging.


Build a Support Network

The challenges of nursing school are not meant to be faced alone. Building a robust support network of peers, mentors, and educators can make a significant difference. Study groups, for instance, are invaluable for clarifying difficult concepts and sharing study tips. Engaging with faculty and seeking mentorship can provide guidance, encouragement, and professional insight. Additionally, connecting with fellow students through social activities or online communities can offer emotional support and camaraderie throughout the demanding journey of nursing school.

nursing school

Take Care of Your Health

Nursing students often find themselves so absorbed in their studies and clinical rotations that they neglect their health. However, maintaining physical and mental well-being is crucial for sustaining the energy and focus needed for success. Regular exercise, a nutritious diet, and sufficient sleep should be non-negotiable aspects of a student’s routine. Additionally, mindfulness practices and stress management techniques can help maintain mental health. Remember, a healthy body and mind are your greatest assets in nursing school and beyond.


Practice Clinical Skills Regularly

Clinical skills are at the heart of nursing, and proficiency comes with practice. Taking every opportunity to practice in lab settings or clinical rotations is essential. Don’t shy away from challenging procedures; instead, view them as opportunities to learn and grow. Seek feedback from instructors and more experienced peers to refine your techniques. Regular practice builds muscle memory and confidence, making you better prepared for real-world nursing scenarios.


Engage in Active Learning

Passive reading and note-taking are rarely enough to master nursing concepts. Engage in active learning techniques such as teaching back what you’ve learned, participating in simulations, and applying theoretical knowledge to clinical scenarios. Active learning enhances understanding and retention, making study time more effective. Tools like flashcards, mnemonics, and quiz apps can also spice up your study sessions and make learning more interactive and fun.



Stay Motivated and Positive

The pressure and workload of nursing school can take a toll on even the most enthusiastic students. Keeping motivation high requires focusing on the bigger picture – the impact you’ll make as a nurse. Set small, achievable goals to mark your progress and celebrate when you reach them. Surround yourself with positive influences, whether it’s inspirational quotes, uplifting music, or supportive friends. A positive mindset will not only help you navigate tough times but also enhance your overall learning experience.


Prepare for the Transition to Professional Practice

As your time in nursing school comes to an end, start preparing for the transition into professional practice. This involves more than just passing the NCLEX; it’s about embracing the identity of a nurse. Seek opportunities to develop soft skills such as communication, leadership, and critical thinking. Engage in professional organizations or volunteer work to expand your network and understand the realities of nursing beyond the classroom. Remember, learning doesn’t stop at graduation – it’s a lifelong journey in the nursing profession.



Making it through nursing school is no small feat, but with the right strategies and mindset, it’s entirely achievable. By staying organized, preparing for the NCLEX from day one, establishing a solid study routine, wisely utilizing resources, building a support network, taking care of your health, practicing clinical skills, engaging in active learning, staying motivated, and preparing for the transition to professional practice, you can not only survive but thrive in nursing school. These tips are designed to ease the journey, laying a solid foundation for a fulfilling career in nursing. Remember, every challenge faced in nursing school is preparing you for the vital role you’ll play in the lives of your patients, making every effort worth it.

If you would like the additional assistance of a professional, hire a WorldWise Tutor to help you with your nursing school applications, coursework, and exams! Our expert educators are eager to assist you every step of the way toward your goals.